Wednesday, November 16

Open Letter To G.W. Bush

Mr. President
When are you going to stop lying to us? You repeatedly assert that we were not in Iraq on 9/11 in an effort to deny that your counter productive war in Iraq is making more terrorists. While it may be technically true that there were no American boots on Iraqi soil on that date, we’ve had planes controlling 60% of Iraq’s airspace since 1991. What is relevant to Bin Laden’s attacks is the fact that we did have troops in Saudi Arabia, too near Mecca for Islam’s fundamentalists. Your dad put those troops there after he used April Glaspie to sucker Saddam into invading Iraq by telling Saddam: “But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” If you were honest you would admit that your obsession with removing Hussein had more to do with your dad’s refusal to “finish the job” than with your alleged love of freedom.
Your current lie of the month seems to be the one about the Democrats having the same intelligence that you did when they voted to give you authority to go to war. That’s clearly false on two levels. Your IQ is in single digits if you really believe half of the shit you spout out. Unless you sleep through the daily intelligence briefings (which Senators and congressmen don’t get) or are too stupid to understand them, you had more “intelligence” available to you than the members of Congress did.
Ironically, you’ve been pandering to Christian fundamentalists in your unholy efforts to create a neo-fascist tyranny. The agenda of the religious right has nothing to do with freedom as defined in normal dictionaries. Their agenda is to codify what their faith requires. If you give them half a chance the Ten Commandments will be written into the law books. In a free country one is free to sin his or her way into hell. Your public displays of religious zeal are antithetical to freedom.
We can only hope that Americans continue to get wise to your bullshit and vote your sycophants out of office next year. If the Democrats take control of Congress then maybe we’ll see you get what you deserve, impeached.


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