Thursday, December 8

Seen on Hardball

Tom DeFrank of the NY Daily News said on Hardball that even the Republicans who are wringing their hands and crying about where Bush has led them are saying that they still have 3 things going for them, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.
Funny, and it also happens to be true. It reminds me of the Red Stripe commercial in which the claim is made that Red Stripe puts their beer in an ugly bottle in order to make the buyer look good in comparison. The Republicans are down to arguing that Democrats are more reprehensible than they are; the "lesser of 2 evils" argument. For a while it seems that the Dems were wisely heeding Lincoln's counsel that "Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt."
If ever the time was ripe for a third major party, this is it. The idiocy and greed that govern our legislators is aided and abetted by CNN and the rest of the media elite that use the leaders of only two parties for comments on current events. James Carville and Bay Buchanan to opine on Iraq; hmm, lets see, one will support the administration and one will criticize? Surprise, surprise!
What do Libertarians think? And the Green Party? Let's not forget the old tradition, the Communist Party. The conspiracy to enforce the two paty system has helped to put blinders on the American electorate. Two choices, black and white, dumb and dumber, stay the course or cut and run; our choices are artificially limited by a de facto conspiracy of jackasses whose holy scriptures are written on spreadsheets.
Will Joe Lieberman replace Rumsfeld? What are the political calculations? One less Democrat in the Senate; but he would probably be replaced by a Dem who votes like a Democrat and not Bush's lap dog.
Let's call the holiday Xmas and keep Christ out of the crass commercialism that is the spirit of the season.


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