Tuesday, July 14

People ARE Strange!

Here's a series of comments on NPR's blog that shows how blatantly one's words can be twisted. My original comment was in response to this NPR story:


"Eduardo Tijerino (Mr_Ed) wrote:

"Researchers don't know exactly why this may be the case, but they speculate that women are more sensitive than men to sudden emotional upset."
If Larry Summers had said that at Harvard some women would have called for his head.
If it can be "speculated" that it's emotional upset that makes it harder for women to quit smoking, wouldn't it be just as logical to speculate that the same emotional upset is what keeps many women from breaking through the so-called glass ceiling?
I don't believe either. When I heard the part of the report that described how heightened emotions led to relapses I knew that that's how addiction works.
I quit smoking in 1996 after smoking for more than 30 yrs. I started trying in '84. What these people who want to quit need to remember is that Dylan was right when he said that "...there is no success like failure..." Each time you fail brings you closer to the time that you'll succeed, if you keep trying, regardless of what your genitalia look like.

Monday, July 13, 2009 12:28:00 PM

N W (plumptuous) wrote:

With all respect, Mr Tijerino,
I disagree with your assertion that women and men are hardwired differently.
Especially when we speak of emotions.
When was the last time you heard your infant barely beginning to cry, and your milk glands started 'letting down'?
When was the last time you saw men weeping openly at weddings?
I'm not saying they don't - or that women who ARE able to spell (The Brothers) Karamazov really do enjoy a good mud-boggin race...

Monday, July 13, 2009 7:30:39 PM

N W (plumptuous) wrote:

Mr Tijerino
Your choice of using quotation marks around the term glass ceiling speaks volumes about your mindset. Being a male, you haven't clue about women - or the GLASS CEILNG to which you so comfortably sneer.
As unholy a 'solution' as was Affirmative Action, there was a reason it was thought up at all.
The colloquialism 'good ol boy' describes jobs or perks rendered between MEN, unworthy of said jobs and perks.
Why? A female, gay or black person wouldn't even be considered.
ok, I'm outta here - this is too stressful for me

Monday, July 13, 2009 7:47:32 PM

Eduardo Tijerino (Mr_Ed) wrote:

"I disagree with your assertion that women and men are hardwired differently."

I asserted that? Why is it that I don't remeber making that assertion? In fact, I reread my post and couldn't milk that meaning from my words no matter how hard I tried :)
The rest of your comment seems to argue that we are hardwired differently so I really don't know what you're talking about.
As to my "milk ducts letting down," my youngest son is 19 years old so it's been a long time.

Monday, July 13, 2009 8:12:38 PM

Eduardo Tijerino (Mr_Ed) wrote:

NW, again?
"Mr Tijerino
Your choice of using quotation marks around the term glass ceiling speaks volumes about your mindset. Being a male, you haven't clue about women - or the GLASS CEILNG to which you so comfortably sneer."

"The lady doth protest too much, Methinks." I use quotation marks to mark a quotation. "Glass ceiling" is a cliché that has been proven to be a metaphor that describes reality by the very fact that it's a cliché.
Your assertion that "The colloquialism 'good ol boy' describes jobs or perks rendered between MEN, unworthy of said jobs and perks." makes me wonder, do you offer that incomplete description because, being hardwired differently, you'll use half truths to make your point? "Good ole boys" (there go those quotations again) used the power of their networking to keep out jews, & latinos like me, as well as blacks, gays & women.
I'm sorry if all this thinking has you flustered but I refuse to attribute that to your gender. I've known many men who were totally incapable of controlling their emotions. My point is that all of us, regardless of chromosones, need to learn to control ourselves.

Monday, July 13, 2009 8:39:26 PM

Eduardo Tijerino (Mr_Ed) wrote:

BTW plumptuous, I did NOT put quotes around glass ceiling, you're tripping.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:36:20 PM"

The funny thing here is that at first I believed her ( I think it's a her) about the quotes around the glass ceiling & then I reread it more carefully. The question I want answered is, was she lying or was she so stressed that she was seeing things?

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