Friday, December 16

Merry Xma$

Does anybody really believe that Jesus of Nazareth was born on December 25th? If you do I've got a few items I'd like to sell you. Please explain why the sheep were in the hills in the dead of winter. It's an accepted historical fact that the early Christian church used December 25th as Jesus' birthday in order to compete with the solstice celebrations of the pagans. The truth is that it's impossible to know what year Jesus was born, never mind what day. One thing seems certain, the sheep would have been wintering in barns trying to grow a new coat of wool.
I'm so fed up with the holier than thou crowd trying to pretend that the holiday is not about commerce. Let's be honest about it, call it Xma$, a celebration of consumerism, and celebrate Jesus' birthday sometime in the spring in a more dignified manor.


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