Friday, February 24

Major Blunder or Stroke of Genius

The nearly unanimous stampede of Republicans away from the titular head of their party has been a wonder to behold. It makes me wonder whether Mr. Rove is attempting a variation on a rope a dope strategy. Facing a possible loss of 1, if not both houses of Congress in November, the GOP has been trying to find a way of putting some daylight between the Congress and the Administration. The mindless ferocity of the attacks makes me think that they protest too much and too loudly about the wrong thing. The risk to our security due to terrorism will not be increased by the change in ownership. It's our economic security which will be further endangered when Dubai says hello to increased cash flow from doing business with us. But nobody is talking about the trade deficit when they condemn that deal; the fear mongering is tied to our physical safety.
What the "crisis" has done is provide the Republicans with an opportunity to gain favor with the voters by pretending to be better at national security than Gee Dubya. Bush can't win or lose any more votes, it doesn't matter if he loses this battle. He not only seems clueless, he has admitted his ignorance and lack of touch with reality. The clueless Democrats should just shut up and let the elephants run wild.