Thursday, March 22

There are no “honorable public servants” in the Bushite inner circle!

"We will not go along with a partisan fishing
expedition aimed at
honorable public servants."
G.W.Bush 3-20-06

What bullshit! There are no “honorable
public servants” in the Bushite
circle. These scumbags have been lying
to us since the day they
occupied the
White House. Karl Rovewas proven to
be a liar, most
recently, during
testimony in the Libby trial. Ari
Fleisher and Scot
McClellan both ruined
their credibility by repeating Rove’s
lies (that
he had nothing to do with
revealing Valerie Plame’s identity)
as if
they were true. Tony (Snowjob)
Snow was hired for his ability to lie
with a
telegenically straight face.
It is clear, Mr. President, that the
reason you don’t want a transcript of
your hired liars say, is because
transcripts destroy plausible
With no transcripts available your
spinmeisters would
create the kind
of he said/he said situation that the
likes of Rush
Limbaugh and Sean Hannity
love to wallow in.
